U.S. Director Kay Rubacek Supports Hongkongers & Debunks CCP's Lies 美國大導撐港人! By Chapman Chen,HKBNews
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Pro-CCP Rev.Joshua Cheung: God Punishes HK w/Covid19 for Fighting Extradition Law! By Chapman Chen
Rev. Joshua Cheung: God Punishes Hong Kong w/ Covid19 for Opposing Extradition Law! By Chapman Chen
丹麥玉女撐香江!A Danish Belle Supports Hong Kong Protests against China! By Chapman Chen曾焯文, HKBNews
波蘭插畫家Greta Samuel諷中國播毒,遭五毛恐嚇,老闆處分!Polish Illustrator Harassed by the Chinese! By Chapman Chen
Cu Mask is a Health Hazard, Engineering Chair Prof. Wallace Leung Reveals! By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
窮買廁紙,富買黃金;黃金斷市,比特升呢!Max Keiser: When Gold's Sold out, People'll be Flocking into Bitcoin!
中國病毒日殺美國人一千,絕非普通流感!Killing 1K Americans per day, Chinese Virus is NO Common Flu! By 曾焯文Chapman Chen
想醫好中國病毒服鋅就得?Is Zinc the Cure for Chinese Virus? Chapman Chen, HKBNews, reports; source: Mike Adams
Political Neutrality is UnChristian真基督徒不會保持政治中立. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
武漢肺炎病毒、比特幣與黃金齊升Correlation btw Covid19, Bitcoin & Gold. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
美國財技專家認為比特幣同武漢病毒皆可破十萬大關!Former Coinbase CTO: Both Bitcoin & Covid-19'd Rise to 100K! By Chapman Chen
US BioWeapons Act Drafter Warns a/st Wuhan Coronavirus Vaccines. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Four Plague-Angels to Kill 1/3 of China-People acc. Revelation 四大瘟神勢滅中華(啟示錄曾預告)!By Chapman Chen
Side Effects of Drugs Currently used to Treat Wuhan Novel Coronavirus (NCP). By Chapman Chen
Xi Jinping's and Carrie Lam's Marks are both 666!習近平同林鄭的印記都係666!By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Hurrah! HK Medical Staff's Strike may Decrease Death Rates! By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
印度科學家在新型冠狀病毒發現愛滋病基因,令動物可傳病毒畀人!HIV Found in Wuhan Coronavirus by Indian Scientists! 曾焯文Chapman Chen報導
醫學家梁卓偉等警告:新型冠狀病毒無病徵,全球名城爆發或不可免!By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Scientific Proofs that Wuhan Coronavirus is China's Bioweapon科學鐵證:武漢病毒=中國生化武器By Chapman Chen,HKBNews