2 Western-Hongkong Priests on Communism. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
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Is "Glory to Hong Kong" Blasphemous? 願榮光歸香港褻瀆神明?By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
「老共」報警 美港牧師中聯辦外含冤被捕 US HK Ptr Bob Kraft Falsely Arrested after a Commie's Complaint.By Chapman Chen
US Hong Kong Pastor Bob Kraft's USA Flag Targeted Again! By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
突發有片!灣仔法院保安報警嚴打美港牧師美國旗!US HK Pastor Bob Kraft's USA Flag Targeted Again! By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
突發!美港牧師Bob Kraft在西環被屈用無效證被捕!By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Breaking! US Hong Kong Pastor Bob Kraft Arrested for Using Invalid ID! 美國牧師在港被捕!By Chapman Chen
US Pastor Bob Kraft Offers Help to Hong Kong Protesters Seized with PTSD. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
被藍絲打完右邊面,要畀埋左邊面佢打?Turn the Other Cheek to Pro-CCP Thugs? By 曾焯文Chapman Chen, HKBNews
美港牧師Bob Kraft:任人打都不自衛,直頭戇瞿(戇居)! 曾焯文Chapman Chen報導
波蘭電視訪問美港牧師Bob Kraft,撐港人反共(曾焯文Chapman Chen報導)
Poland TV Interviews US-HK Pastor Bob Kraft & Supports HK against Communist China.By Chapman Chen
港美牧師波蘭電視論佔中九子,港共本質(曾焯文報)Pastor Bob Kraft on Communist HK Govt & Occupy Trial Verdict.By Chapman Chen