U.S. Director Kay Rubacek Supports Hongkongers & Debunks CCP's Lies 美國大導撐港人! By Chapman Chen,HKBNews
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Did Pro-HongKong-Activists British Couple in Underwear Leap to Death in HK or were they Murdered?
武漢病毒係種族滅絕港人的生物武器,定擊殺中國的良方? By Chapman Chen曾焯文 HKBNews
Is Deadly Wuhan Virus a Tool to Exterminate Hongkongers or a Scheme to End China? By Chapman Chen
A Repeat of Nanjing Massacre in Hong Kong. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
應承五大訴求收你皮!How the 5 Demands may be Granted to Fool Hongkongers!By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
VP Mike Pence Pls Note that a Revolution, NOT a Protest, is going on in Hong Kong. By Chapman Chen
Naked Young Polish Man's Body & White Protester's Dubious Selfies蘭桂坊波蘭裸屍與抗爭白男自拍. By Chapman Chen
美國參議員霍尼: 香港告急,美國為人為己須撐港!Sen. Josh Hawley Urges USA to Help Endangered Hong Kong. Trans. Chapman Chen
美國政論家歌雅話港人應爭獨立 Dr. Anders Corr thinks Hongkongers should Strive for Independence. By Chapman Chen
Carrie Lam may Grant the 5 Demands to Fool Hongkongers!五大訴求袋主先?By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Hong Kong Revolution Group (Team V) Claims Responsibility for Molotov Cocktail Attacks
Hong Kong Fits Gregory Stanton's 10-Stage-Genocide Model. 香港種族滅絕十級跳 By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
抗爭者歡迎港鐵自毀設施Hong Kong Protesters Welcome MTR Co. to Sabotage its Own Facilities. By Chapman Chen
美國政論家不覺要求港獨會令香港失去國際支持 Anders Corr Doesn't Think Independence Demand will Make HK Lose Intl Support
緊急法成就時代革命. By 曾焯文Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Hong Kong Emergency Regulations Ordinance will Backfire 緊急法成就時代革命. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Japanese Lady Attacked by Hong Kong Police to Turn it into an International Scandal! By Chapman Chen
Japanese Lady Pepper-Sprayed & Knocked over by Hong Kong Police at Taikoo Shing. By Chapman Chen
香港民憲草案的普通法及直接民主 On Draft Civil Charter of Hong Kong. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews