Chapman ChenMay 1, 20207 min read比特幣的智識基礎 The Intellectual Foundation of Bitcoin. By曾焯文 Chapman Chen, HKBNews撮要:比特幣零八年才由中本聰(Satoshi Nakamoto)(化名)發明,但智識基礎源遠流長。例如,一七七六年美國憲法第一修正案分離政教,當代美國解放心理學家Nozomi Hayase (2020)就認為,(金)錢政(府)都應分離。正如牛頓(Isaac...
Chapman ChenJan 9, 20204 min readPro-CCP Hong Kong Pastor So Wing-yui Twists Separation of Church and State. By Chapman Chen, HKBNewsSummary: Invoking "separation of church and state", pro-CCP Hong Kong Waterloo Hill Evangelical Free Church Consultant Pastor Rev. So...
Chapman ChenJul 20, 20192 min read真香港憲法的幾點建議 On a True Hong Kong Constitution. By 曾焯文Chapman Chen真香港憲法當由香港全民制定,為香港整體利益而設,並且屬於香港全體公民。香港憲法當由全民選出的制憲委員會起草,頒布之前,逐條經大眾公開討論審議。香港憲法最好以美國憲法為藍本(不過當然要本地化),事關美國乃係全球最重要的民主國家。細地方新生自治政府容易出獨裁者,成為極權政府,正...
Chapman ChenJul 20, 20193 min readA Hong Kong Constitution by Hongkongers, for Hongkongers & of Hongkongers. By Chapman Chen, HKBNewsA genuine Hong Kong Constitution should be written by Hongkongers, for the interests of Hongkongers, and should belong to Hongkongers. It...
Chapman ChenJul 4, 20191 min read美國憲法第一第二修正案與香港 文:曾焯文Chapman Chen, HKBNews今日係美國獨立紀念日。 美國憲法第一及第二修正案概括美國典型立國精神。第一修正案保障言論自由,言論自由是所有文明國家最顯著的特徵,而缺乏言論自由是所有不文明國家最明顯的標誌,例如東方大紅龍、伊朗和厄立特里亞。香港移交中國之前,本享高度言論自由,九七後每况愈下。七月二日,香港...
Chapman ChenJul 4, 20191 min readFirst & Second Amendments as Founding Spirit of USA. By Chapman Chen, HKBNewsToday is the Independence Day of the United States of America. The quintessential founding spirit of the USA is summarized in the First...