特朗普大加關稅趕絕中國Pres Trump Dramatically Raising Tariffs to Drain China. By Chapman Chen
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On the Centennial of the May Fourth Movement. By Chapman Chen, HK Bilingual News
新聞自由日論壇變批鬭特朗普大會 (曾焯文Chapman Chen報導)
波蘭電視訪問美港牧師Bob Kraft,撐港人反共(曾焯文Chapman Chen報導)
Poland TV Interviews US-HK Pastor Bob Kraft & Supports HK against Communist China.By Chapman Chen
USCIRF Advises Sanctioning of China but Fails to Notice Pro-CCP HK Religious Leaders.By ChapmanChen
特朗普總統應得諾貝爾和平獎? Pres Trump Deserves Nobel Peace Prize? By Chapman Chen
留美女生因堅持港人身份巴士受辱Hong Kong Student in USA Harassed for her HK Identity. Chapman Chen reports
HK Extradition Law & "Ethnic-Endangering" Separatists (Chapman Chen, HK Bilingual News, reports)
Director of HK Divinity Sch:U could be Extradited to China for Sending Bibles there!By Chapman Chen
CCP had Umbrella Movement Leaders Jailed 'cause they Supported John Tsang in 2017 HK Mayor Election?
HK Senior Pastor Daniel Ng Censures US Democracy & Tells HK People to be Content. By Chapman Chen
淨空法師: 愛因斯坦沉地獄 菩薩再來習近平(香江日報曾焯文報導)
Communist China Netizens Celebrating Notre Dame Burning Down as Karma for The Old Summer Palace's De
中國企圖控制美國衛星CCP Trying to Own USA Satellites (Chapman Chen 曾焯文reports)
Will HK Separatists & Western Reporters Covering them be Extradited to China?By Chapman Chen
RSF Dir. Won't Recommend Western Reporters to Stop Covering HK Independence.By Chapman Chen
With no proof,RSF Dir. Alviani accuses Trump of inciting violence against journalists.By ChapmanChen
特朗普復活節祝福辭(曾焯文譯)Potus Trump's Easter & Passover Greetings (Trans. Chapman Chen, HKBNews)