US BioWeapons Act Drafter Warns a/st Wuhan Coronavirus Vaccines. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
The World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday said the vaccines to the novel coronavirus could be available in 18 months. But Dr....
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US BioWeapons Act Drafter Warns a/st Wuhan Coronavirus Vaccines. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Four Plague-Angels to Kill 1/3 of China-People acc. Revelation 四大瘟神勢滅中華(啟示錄曾預告)!By Chapman Chen
Bitcoin Hits $10K! Too Late to Buy Now? By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
比特幣突破一萬美元大關! 應否上車?By 曾焯文Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Hurrah! HK Medical Staff's Strike may Decrease Death Rates! By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
十四億人四月尾勢將感染武漢新型冠狀病毒!By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
"Fear is the greatest epidemic 恐懼才是最大的疫症" -- Hong Kong Herbalist Dr. Vincent Lee. By Chapman Chen
"What right does a doctor who doesn't know how to cure u have to detain u?" -- Dr. Vincent Lee
上帝用大瘟疫擊殺殖民地主 By Chapman Chen, HKBNews