Four Plague-Angels to Kill 1/3 of China-People acc. Revelation 四大瘟神勢滅中華(啟示錄曾預告)!By Chapman Chen
Summary: One-third of China's population will be wiped out by four fallen angels in the form of Wuhan novel coronavirus (NCP), H5N1 bird...
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Four Plague-Angels to Kill 1/3 of China-People acc. Revelation 四大瘟神勢滅中華(啟示錄曾預告)!By Chapman Chen
聖經預言:二零二零,三戰爆發,中國滅亡!By Chapman Chen曾焯文, HKBNews
Bible Foretells 2020 WWIII & Fall of China. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
美國海軍上校聯署信請特朗普嚴打中共 US Capt. James Fanell's Open Letter Backing Trump to Beat PRC. By 曾焯文Chapman Chen
Chapman Chen's Interview with Idź Pod Prąd TV on Communism as Poland's & Hong Kong's Common Enemy
Poland and Hong Kong Share a Common Enemy. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Hong Kong Students Trained to Speak like Hua Chunying & Expected to Join Int'l Org. By Chapman Chen
Italian-HK Communist Catholic Fr. Franco Mella: HK-CN Border should be Canceled!(By Chapman Chen)