應承五大訴求收你皮!How the 5 Demands may be Granted to Fool Hongkongers!By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
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Carrie Lam may Grant the 5 Demands to Fool Hongkongers!五大訴求袋主先?By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
China State Council Blames the West for Messing w/ Hong Kong "Violent" Anti-Extradition Law Protests
班農叫港人迫西方正視引渡惡法, 否則萬劫不復!曾焯文報導。 Bannon Asks Hongkongers to Force the West to Address Extradition Law
Will the Hong Kong Police Round up the Usual Suspects after the Mass Rally contra Extradition Law?
Chapman Chen: Hong Kong Extradition Law is Texas Chainsaw! (Hong Kong Bilingual News)
據Benedict Rogers文,林榮基:引渡法一過,香港判死刑!Extradition Law= Death Sentence for Hong Kong! By Chapman Chen
Hong Kong Separatist Wayne Chan on Tiananmen Square Massacre. Interviewed by Chapman Chen, HKBNews
加拿大國會議員警告香港引渡安排危險(曾焯文Chapman Chen報導)
HK Buddhist Assn Head + CCP cadre Ven.Shi Kuanyun Supports Banning HK National Party.By Chapman Chen
留美女生因堅持港人身份巴士受辱Hong Kong Student in USA Harassed for her HK Identity. Chapman Chen reports
HK Extradition Law & "Ethnic-Endangering" Separatists (Chapman Chen, HK Bilingual News, reports)
香港教徒受難日?HK Christians Suffering? 文: Benedict Rogers;譯:曾焯文Chapman Chen