Political Neutrality is UnChristian真基督徒不會保持政治中立. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Summary: Jesus teaches us to love our neighbors. How can Christians claim to love their neighbors without engaging politics, the arena...
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Political Neutrality is UnChristian真基督徒不會保持政治中立. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Outlook for 2020: Wuhan-Coronavirus-caused Fall of China, Financial Tsunami & Bitcoin Soar
聖經預言:二零二零,三戰爆發,中國滅亡!By Chapman Chen曾焯文, HKBNews
Bible Foretells 2020 WWIII & Fall of China. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
ProCCP HK AnglicanChurch Archbp Paul Kwong at Xmas Blames HK Victims of Communism & Twists Immanuel!
美國憲法第一第二修正案與香港 文:曾焯文Chapman Chen, HKBNews
First & Second Amendments as Founding Spirit of USA. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
啟示錄中國東方君王取道中巴高速公路敵基督(曾焯文)China as Kings of the East in Revelation (Chapman Chen)
China as "Kings of the East" in Revelation Taking Karakoram Highway (Chapman Chen)