做應做的事;且忘主流民意 Forget about Mainstream Opinion; Just Do what's Right! By Chapman Chen, HKBNews Chapman ChenAug 10, 20191 min read民意是否逆轉都好,主流支唔支持勇武都好,做應該做的事,堅持到底,雖千萬人而吾往矣!革命從來都係少數精英首先覺醒,勇武行動,喚醒大部份人。Whether the majority supports a valiant revolution or not, just do what is right. Image credit: Pepper robot assistant via Shutterstock #maga2020 #hongkongtimerevolution #extraditionlaw #keepamericagreat #ccp #communistchina #donaldtrump #chapmanchen #HKBNews
民意是否逆轉都好,主流支唔支持勇武都好,做應該做的事,堅持到底,雖千萬人而吾往矣!革命從來都係少數精英首先覺醒,勇武行動,喚醒大部份人。Whether the majority supports a valiant revolution or not, just do what is right. Image credit: Pepper robot assistant via Shutterstock #maga2020 #hongkongtimerevolution #extraditionlaw #keepamericagreat #ccp #communistchina #donaldtrump #chapmanchen #HKBNews
Abel Didn’t Kill His Lamb, Nor Was Cain’s Grain Offering Rejected by God! By Dr. Chapman Chen, Vegan Theology