A 10-year-old boy CHAN Tak-man and a 12-year-old boy, KONG Chuen-ming were arrested by the Hong Kong Police in Tseung Kwan O at midnight on Sept 21 for unlawful assembly (shouting "Free Hong Kong") and possession of laser pens as offensive weapons. Many neighbors angrily yelled at the police, and a large reinforcement came.
Earlier on, when a large crowd were singing "Glory to Hong Kong" (HK's new "national anthem") in the Tseung Kwan O Popcorn Plaza, a green-shirt man came along and assaulted people there. Then he fled towards Beverly Garden. Some civilian saw him calling for aid and reporting to the police. Other civilians hurried to the Beverly Garden. The assailant fled to Tseung Kwan O Plaza. Subsequently, anti-riot police arrived and rushed to arrest the two kids, Chan Tak-man and Kong Chuen-ming.
On Aug 25, another 12-year-old primary school student was arrested for unlawful assembly in Tseun Wan. So Hong Kong is catching up with Egypt in dealing with juvenile political prisoners. In Feb 2016, West Cairo military court sentenced a 4- year-old baby to 15 years in prison for rioting and murders. The young defendant was about one year old when the case was filed in Jan. 2014.

First Pic credit: Edith Leung (Democratic Party)
Second Pic credit: STP Media
Source of information:
Edith Leung facebook post and video.
TKOFriend fb.
STP Media fb.