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A Danish Belle Supporting Hong Kong Protests! 丹麥玉女撐香江!By Chapman Chen, HKBNews

Writer's picture: Chapman ChenChapman Chen

Updated: May 17, 2020

A group of young Danes took part in a "Demonstration for Freedom at Christiansborg Slotsplads", which was seemingly organized by Amnesty International Denmark in front of the Danish Parliament. A Danish student girl condemned the Chinese Government for suppressing the news about the Wuhan coronavirus for 3 weeks after its outbreak, causing the world more than 300 thousand deaths. She revealed that she herself was arrested for taking part in a demonstration for freedom in Hong Kong last year among 8400 other dissidents. Standing next to the Pillar of Shame, she thanked Jens Galschiot for creating the artwork in commemoration of the Tiananmen Square. Last but not the least, she shouted, "Denmark stands with Hong Kong!" Below please find her full speech delivered in English:

During this time of Wuhan virus, it is a time for reflection. In the history of mankind, there has always been a struggle of the good against dictators. The Chinese government has always suppressed dissidents and even today the right to mourn the beloved children by the mothers of the Tiananmen Square Massacre is suppressed.

In the case of virus that has caused more than 300 thousand deaths all over the world, it started in Wuhan. And the whistleblower Dr. Li was silenced by the State security apparatus, causing China to lose three weeks' warning to the people in Wuhan with the virus in the meantime spreading to the rest of China and the world. The world is paying the price with deaths for suppression of truth by China.

In Hong Kong, the CCPis trying to take control of Hong Kong and has been directing the Hong Kong Government to suppress pro-democracy movements by ever escalating police brutality and massive arrests. I was arrested for free marches last year and I was one of the 8400 people arrested.

We need the support of the world in the fight against totalitarianism.

We thank Jens Galschiot our old friend who has been fighting together with us and created a pillar of shame to commemorate those who sacrificed themselves for democracy back in 1989. Jens was banned from coming to Hong Kong, showing how the regime is afraid of artworks that challenge their totalitarianism. Let us fight hand in hand for truth, freedom and life. Denmark stands with Hong Kong!

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