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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

Chapman Chen's Interview with Idź Pod Prąd TV on Communism as Poland's & Hong Kong's Common Enemy

On July 16, Chapman Chen, Founder of Hong Kong Bilingual News, gave an interview to Miss Kasia Wierbol, anchor of the Polish Television, Idź Pod Prąd TV, comparing Soviet Union's colonization of Poland with China's colonization of Hong Kong, talking about how and why Poland may help Hong Kong, communism as the common enemy of Poland and Hong Kong, Hong Kong resistance against China Nazism, etc. 香江日報創辦人曾焯文前幾日接受波蘭Idź Pod Prąd TV訪問,談及波蘭同香港對共產黨同仇敵愾,香港義士以死相博,比較蘇聯殖民波蘭與中國殖民香港等。

Idź Pod Prąd TV Video:

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