Summary: "The lying pen of the scribes" (Jeremiah 8:8), and the Pauline anti-vegan anti-Christ camp have turned Yahweh from an omni-benevolent Supreme Consciousness into a blood-thirsty deity, who cannot forgive people without first receiving the bloody sacrifice of some innocent sentient beings. Consequently, Christianity has become "a religion all about sacrifice", to quote Stephen Webb (2001:159). To borrow the words of Dave Thompson (2022), "this barbaric principle had already turned the Temple of Jerusalem into a lucrative slaughterhouse for the priests. Pauline Christian[ity] made Jesus into the very thing he was protesting, a sacrificial 'Lamb of God'!" Note that Jesus' dying for humans and animals is different from Jesus' dying for the atonement of human sins. Worse still, although animal sacrifice in the Temple ceased shortly after Jesus' own "one-off" "sacrifice", animal sacrifice to the belly-idol of humankind has been going on, thanks to the predominance of the flesh-greedy Pauline camp in Christianity.
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1. No Blood, No Forgiveness?
In the Old Testament, certain verses actually claim that Yahweh ordered bloody animal sacrifice for the worshippers to atone for their sins (e.g., Leviticus 16: 15-16, 24, 17:11; Numbers 28: 2-6 ), and enjoyed the aroma of those burnt offerings (Exodus 29:18). In the New Testament, Paul insisted that "without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness" (Hebrews 9:22 NLT). The original Eucharist -- a vegan thanksgiving Messianic Banquet -- was transformed by Paul into a bizarre, abstruse, cannibalistic cult (cf. Tabor 2012:14-15, 44-47, 148-151) (Note 1).
2. Prophets Opposing Animal Sacrifice
On the other hand, quite a few prophets in the Old Testament, e.g., Amos, Isaiah, Jeremiah, strongly condemned animal sacrifice (Isaiah 1:11-13, 15-16, 66:3; Jeremiah 7:21-22; Amos 5:21-22) (Note 2). God Himself in the OT and Jesus Christ in the NT respectively declared, "I desire compassion, rather than sacrifice" (Hosea 6:6; Matthew 9:13 NASB).
3. Jesus Died for Liberating Animals and Enlightening People
No doubt, Jesus died for all sentient beings, animals and humans alike, by endeavoring to abolish all sacrifices, by liberating innocent animals from the Temple (thereby offending the big bosses behind -- the chief priests and scribes, who then plotted to have Him killed by the Romans) (Note 3), and by being a charismatic, profoundly influential spiritual leader preaching love, righteousness, fasting, simple living, and chastity as, for example, in the Sermon of the Mount and in His triumphal entry into Jerusalem (thereby triggering the Roman Empire's national security concern) (Note 4).
4. Jesus did not Die to Atone for Human Sins
But that does not mean that Jesus died to ATONE for our sins. As well put by Pastor Robert Munro (2024):-
Seriously…Imagine God sitting in Heaven looking down on Earth over 2,000 years ago and thinking…this human species I created needs me to send My only begotten Son to be crucified and for that I will forgive their previous sin. Does that really make sense to you?... You are responsible for your own sins, only through confession and repentance may sin be forgiven.
This reminds us of the scene in John 8, where, after saving the woman who had been caught in the act of adultery, Jesus told her to "go and sin no more" (John 8:11 NLT).
5. The Vegan Eucharist Turned Cannibalistic by Paul
The four Synoptic Gospels' accounts of Jesus' last supper (Mark 14:22-25; Matthew 26:26- 29; Luke 22:15-20; John 6:52-56), in which He allegedly advises everybody to eat His body and drink His blood for the forgiveness of sins, come straight from the anti-vegan apostate Paul's (1 Corinthians 10:16-17, 11:23-26), almost word for word (cf. Tabor 2012:15) (Note 5). Similarly, the idea that the precious blood shed by Jesus as an unblemished lamb in His crucifixion, in lieu of the conventional, Judaic, sacrificial lamb's, cleansed our sins once and for all is an invention of Paul's (Hebrews 9:12-15, 22, 26; Ephesians 1:7).
It's really ironically outrageous that Jesus, who insisted that He desired compassion rather than sacrifice (Matthew 9:13) and that he specifically came to abolish all sacrifices (Gospel of the Ebionites, Panarion 30.16.5), should Himself be turned into an iconic sacrifice by Paul the anti-vegan apostate.
6. Animal Sacrifice to your Belly-Idol
The notion of blood sacrifice in Pauline Christianity is reflected in Pauline Christians' prayers before non-vegan meals, semi-consciously employed to justify their abuse of innocent creatures of God. As Karl Barth has written, 'The slaying of animals is really possible only as an appeal to God's reconciling grace, as it representation and proclamation" (1961:354). According to Stephen Webb (2001:159), the reasoning is as follows: By saying grace over a feast of animal flesh, Christians are expressing gratitude to the Lord not just for the sacrifice of the Lord's son but also for the poor creature's life taken for their nourishment. This signifies a perverse parallel between Christ's sacrifice for the cleansing of our sins and animals' ultimate sacrifice for human appetite.
7. Stop ALL Primitive Bloody Sacrifices!
Enough is enough. It is high time that this blood-debt vicious cycle stopped, that this black blood magic superstition, be it animal sacrifice to God, or the carnist Eucharist as a "flesh eating, blood magic superstition of vicarious human sacrifice" (Thompson 2024), or animal sacrifice for human appetite came to an end. For God is love (1 John 4:7 NIV); God loves the world (John 3:16), including ALL His creation (Psalm 145:9); Christ is compassion (Matthew 12:6-7). Indeed, Jesus the Vegan Christ came to "abolish the sacrifices" (The Gospel of the Ebionites, Panarion 30.16.5). We should therefore go vegan and do away with all forms of primitive bloody sacrifice, including animal sacrifice to our belly!
1. The original Eucharist was a vegan thanksgiving Messianic Banquet, subsequently transformed into a bizarre, abstruse, cannibalistic cult by Paul (cf. Tabor 2012:14-15, 44-47, 148-151). Luke juxtaposes one (Luke 22:15-18) with the other (Luke 22:19-21) in his account of the last supper, making one wonder whether Jesus will drink His own blood with the disciples in the future Kingdom of God. A vegan "Messianic Banquet" is clearly described in the Dead Sea Scrolls. And the Eucharist in the "Didache", a text discovered in 1873 dating to the beginning of the Second Century or even earlier, is also a simple thanksgiving meal of grape-vine juice and bread with no atonement via Jesus' body and blood mentioned. Jesus and His twelve disciples observed the Torah, which strictly forbade the consumption of blood and flesh killed by strangling, even symbolically. It turns out that the four canons (Mark 14:22-25; Matthew 26:26- 29; Luke 22:15-20; John 6:52-56) copy and paste almost verbatim from Paul's 1 Corinthians as far as the carnist version of the Last Supper is concerned (cf. Tabor 2012:15).
2. Below please find a few prophets condemning sacrifice in the OT:-
You countless sacrifices, what are they to me? says the Lord. I am sated with the whole offerings of rams and the fat of buffaloes; I have no desire for the blood of bulls, of sheep and of he goats. Whenever you come to enter my presence -- who asked you for this?No more shall you trample my courts. The offer of your gifts is useless, the reek of sacrifice is abhorrent to me... There is blood on your hands; Wash yourselves and be clean... (Isaiah 1:11-13, 15-16; New English Bible)
He who slaughters an ox is like one who kills a man. (Isaiah 66:3 ESV)
I hate, I despise your religious festivals; your assemblies are a stench to me. Even though you bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them. Though you bring choice fellowship offerings, I will have no regard for them. (Amos 5:21-22 NIV)
Add whole-offerings to sacrifices and eat the flesh if you will. But when I brought your forefathers out of Egypt, I gave no commands about whole-offering and sacrifice; I said not a word about them. (Jeremiah 7:21-22 New English Bible)
1 Peter 1:18-19 also talks about this but only a few scholars regard the letters of 1 and 2 Peter as authored by Peter. 1 Peter, above all, are remarkably reminiscent of Paul with respect to style and substance, diverging significantly from what more credible sources, including Paul's authentic letters, reveal about Peter [cf. Tabor 2018].
3. The last crucial event that sealed Jesus' fate was His cleansing of the Holy Temple. In emptying the Temple of animals about to be slaughtered for sacrifice, and in calling the Temple-turned-butcher-shop "a den of thieves"(Mark 11:16, Luke 20:46, Matthew 21:12-13 KJV), debunked the business fraud of animal sacrifice and disrupted the chief priests' and scribes' lucrative revenue stream (Akers 2000: 117-119; Chen 2024), who immediately afterwards conspired to destroy Him (Mark 11:15-18). They framed Him up for being the King of Jews (Mark 27:11, Luke 27:3, John 18:33-37, Matt. 27:11) , which implies that He was the leader of a Jewish insurrection against the Roman rule. (Jesus' rebuttal was: "My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence [John 19:36 KJV]). The accusation, despite Jesus' clarification, reinforced the Roman authorities' political concern. Pilate thus sentenced Jesus to death by way of crucifixion, a punishment specifically reserved for rebellion, treason and robbery (cf. Chen 2024a).
4. Riding on a donkey, Jesus entered Jerusalem in a high profile and was greeted by tens of thousands of fans (Matthew 21:1–11, Mark 11:1–11, Luke 19:28–44, John 12:12–19). The Romans couldn't care less about internal stifles amongst different Jewish sects. But their alarm bell would ring whenever any particular Jew not directly under State control became significantly influential. Such an individual would be seen as a threat to the authority and social order of the Empire (Aslan 2013, Gerd and Merz 1998, Schiavone 2017, Horsley 2014, Chau 2024). Jesus was also envied by the chief priests like Caiaphas and the Jewish King Herod Antipas, who, as puppets of the Roman Empire, controlled and exploited the colonized Jews. They feared their privileged power over the Jews would be compromised by the charismatic Jesus. James the Just, Jesus' natural brother, was also stoned to death by the High Priest Ananias in 62 AD for being 'the Zaddik' (righteous spiritual leader) of the Opposition Alliance in Jerusalem (Eisenman 2012:73).
5. According to US President Thomas Jefferson, St. Paul was the "first corrupter of the doctrines of Jesus" (Washington 1854). As pointed out by Albert Schweitzer (1910) in The Quest for the Historical Jesus, Paul perverted the discourse of Jesus and "displace[d]" it. As argued by Keith Akers (2020), Paul violated Jesus' vegan principle and the Jerusalem Council's vegan decree; as admitted by Paul himself, he was a relative of the Herodian family (Romans 16:11) and his real name was Saul (Acts 7:58, 8;1-3); as interpreted by Robert Eisenman (2012), Paul was the liar described in the Dead Sea Scrolls; according to Thijs Voskuilen (2005), Paul was a Roman spy sent to subvert Jesus' church from inside; as pointed out by Robert Mt. Sion (2013), Paul was the AntiChrist. Paul corrupted Jesus' vegan church and Pauline Christianity has hijacked the Vegan Christ for two thousand years (cf. Chen 2023).
Akers, Keith (2000/2020). The Lost Religion of Jesus. Lantern Publishing & Media.
Aslan, Reza (2013). Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth. Random House.
Theissen, Gerd, and Merz, Annette (1998). The Historical Jesus: A Comprehensive Guide. Fortress Press.
Barth, Karl (1961). Church Dogmatics, III/4. Ed. G.W.Bromiley and T.F. Torrance. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark.
Chau, Simon (2024). "Three Facts about Jesus' Passion that the Church won't Tell you." (In Hong Kong Cantonese) Facebook, Mar. 29.
Chen, Chapman (2024a). "Why was Jesus the Vegan Christ Killed?" HKBNews, Mar. 30.
Chen, Chapman (2024b). "The 'Open Rescue' of Temple Animals by Jesus the Vegan Christ." HKBNews, Mar. 29.
Chen, Chapman (2023). "Acts of the Anti-Vegan Paul." HKBNews, 5 July.
Eisenman, Robert (2012). James the Brother of Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls I. The Way Publishing.
Horsley, Richard A. (2014). Jesus and the Politics of Roman Palestine. University of South Carolina Press.
Munro, Robert (2023). "Jesus was not Crucified for the Forgiveness of your Sins!" Facebook, Dec. 22.
Kaufman, Michael T. (1987). The East Bloc Tolerates Jazz but Mutes its Dissident Note. New York Times, Jan. 4.
Schiavone, Aldo (2017). Pontius Pilate: Deciphering a Memory. Translated by Jeremy Carden, Liveright.
Tabor, James D. (2012). Paul and James. NY: Simon & Schuster.
Theissen, Gerd, and Merz, Annette (1998). The Historical Jesus: A Comprehensive Guide. Fortress Press.
Thompson, Dave (2024). "Why 95% of Christians are Pharisees?" Facebook, March 27.
Thompson, Dave (2022). " Flesh Eating Paul Versus James the Just, the Brother of Jesus, and a Vegan." Facebook, Dec. 13.
Webb, Stephen H. (2001). Good Eating. Grand Rapids: Bazos Press.