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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

Saint Nicholas of Tolentino, the Vegan, Revives a Partridge. Ed. Dr. Chapman Chen


The Acta Sanctorum (Sept. vol. 3, 643) quotes an account from Jordanus of Saxony in which Saint Nicholas of Tolentino was brought a roast partridge because he was ill. Saint Nicholas of Tolentino was vegan, so he refused the partridge. His prior insisted that in obedience he must take his food, but the phrase he used was "put your hand on the food." The saint did put his hand on the bird, but raised his eyes to heaven and made the sign of the cross, whereupon the bird came back to life and immediately flew away.


Nicholas of Tolentino (Latin: S. Nicolaus de Tolentino), (c. 1246 – September 10, 1305), known as the Patron of Holy Souls, was an Italian saint and mystic. He is particularly invoked as an advocate for the souls in Purgatory, especially during Lent and the month of November. In many Augustinian churches, there are weekly devotions to St. Nicholas on behalf of the suffering souls. November 2, All Souls' Day, holds special significance for the devotees of St. Nicholas of Tolentino.

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