Vegan Theology
(An Illus. Summary)
Dr. Chapman Chen
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Copyright @ 2025 Chapman Chen
Introduction: This book argues that throughout the history of the Bible and Christianity, there have been two adversarial forces in constant struggle with each other. One is an anti-vegan, pro-animal-sacrifice force, represented by the High Priests in the Old Testament, and by the Pauline camp and mainstream church leaders from the New Testament to the present. The other is a vegan, anti-animal-sacrifice force, represented by the prophets in the Old Testament, and by Jesus, His 12 disciples, and subsequent pro-vegan theologians and priests from the New Testament to the present. The former has managed to largely suppress the vegan voice of the latter by violence and deception for 2000 years, but, in the last 50 years, the latter has been re-emerging.
Objective: To demonstrate that Christianity is fundamentally a vegan faith and that Jesus is a Vegan Christ.
Methodology: This book reviews the Bible from a vegan perspective, referencing various versions of the Bible in different languages, apocryphal writings, historical records, and works of prominent theologians. Adopting Prof. James Tabor’s (2024) method, it will examine dubious verses to retrieve their original features by attempting to understand the intent of the uninterpolated text and the concerns of potential interpolators. The ultimate litmus test for any biblical verses is “God is love” (1 John 4:7) and Christ is compassion (Matthew 12:7).
Significance: As there are still 2.4 billion Christians in the world, most of whom are non-vegan, the significance of this research lies in laying the foundation for establishing more physical vegan churches, which are going to contribute to liberating trillions of innocent sentient creatures from unnecessary pain and death on an annual basis.
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1. Introduction
1.1. Definition of Veganism
1.2. Methodology
1.3. Literature Review
1.4. A Vegan Overview of the Bible
2. Major Stumbling Blocks to Veganism in the OT Resolved
2.1. “Dominion” in Genesis 1:26, 28 Means Serving the Animals, NOT Lordship
2.2. Not Only Humans But Animals are Made in the Image of God
A lot of theologians, such as St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, John Calvin, Martin Luther, and Karl Barth, defend human power over and abuse of animals by claiming that humans alone are created in the image of God. This ground is very shaky. Animals at least partly manifest God's image because of the following reasons:- Firstly, The Bible never denies that animals are made in the image of God. Secondly, both humanity and other animals were made out of dust by God. Thirdly, God made a covenant with not only humanity but also other animals (Genesis 9:9-11; Hosea 2:18). Fourthly, many verses in the Bible describe how different animals bear different characteristics of God (e.g. Isaiah 31:4; Matthew 23:37; Luke 13:34; John 1:29; Matthew 3:16). Fifthly, not only humans but other animals are gifted with a "living soul" (נֶ֣פֶשׁ חַיָּ֔ה nephesh chayyah) (Genesis 1:21, 24; Genesis 1:30). It follows that animals are our fellow creatures, that we should go vegan and stop eating and abusing them.
2.3. Not Only Humans But Animals Have a Soul (Nephesh Chayyah)
2.4. God Did Not Make Fur Coats for Adam and Eve
2.6. Abel Did Not Make Any Animal Sacrifice to God
2.5. God Never Permitted Noah and his Clan to Eat Animals
2.6. Abraham Never Demanded by God to Sacrifice his Son nor a Ram
2.7. Animal Sacrifice is Detested by God
3. Antidotes Against Stumbling Blocks in the OT
3.1. If you are not Vegan, you are Breaking ALL Ten Commandments
3.2. The Forbidden Fruit in Eden is Meat
3.3. The Wages of Eating Animal Flesh is Death!
3.4. Balaam’s Donkey Speaks on Behalf of Oppressed Animals
3.5. Elijah Did Not Eat the Flesh from the Ravens
3.6. Miscellaneous OT Verses Showing that God Loves Animals
When You Have No Mercy for God’s Creatures, God Will Have No Mercy for You! (Zech. 11: 4-6).
This is what the Lord my God says: “Go and care for the flock that is intended for slaughter. The buyers slaughter their sheep without remorse. The sellers say, ‘Praise the Lord! Now I’m rich!’ Even the shepherds have no compassion for them. Likewise, I will no longer have pity on the people of the land,” says the Lord. “I will let them fall into each other’s hands and into the hands of their king. They will turn the land into a wilderness, and I will not rescue them.” (Zechariah 11:4-6 NLT)
The passage from Zechariah 11:4–6 (NLT) can be interpreted in a way that aligns with vegan theology and animal rights, offering a powerful metaphorical critique of exploitation and a call for compassion toward all living beings. Here's how it connects:
4. Major Stumbling Blocks to Veganism in the NT Resolved
4.1. All Fishy Stories about Jesus: Debunked
4.2. Jesus Did Not Eat the Passover Lamb
4.3. Jesus Did Not Declare All Foods Clean
4.4. Jesus Did Not Drive 2000 Pigs to Death
4.5. Jesus Does Not Teach Human Life Is More Valuable than Animal Life
4.6. God Did Not Command Peter to Kill and Eat Animals
4.7. John the Baptist Did Not Eat Locusts
4.8. The Parable of the Prodigal Son Does Not Condone Killing Animals for Food
4.9. Abraham’s Sacrifice of his Son/Ram, Pauline Eucharist, and Meatism are the Same Cult
4.10. Paul Encourages People to Eat Animals Without Guilt
4.10.1. Paul’s Family Background
4.10.2. Jesus’ Prophesies about Paul
4.10.3. Paul Throws James the Just from the Pinnacle of the Temple
4.10.4. Pauls’ Dubious Conversion on his Way to Damascus
4.10.5. Paul’s Attack on the Law and the Jerusalem Council’s Vegan Decree
4.10.6. Paul Has a Hand in James’ Death
4.10.7. Paul’s Role in the Fall of Jerusalem
5. Antidotes Against Stumbling Blocks in the NT
1. Jesus is Staunchly Vegan
2. Jesus is a Martyr for Animal Liberation
3. Jesus’ 12 Disciples are All Vegan
4. Jesus’ Eucharist is Vegan, Physically and Symbolically
6. Jesus Heals a Mule
7. “You Animal Abusers, Repent or Perish!” Warns Jesus
8. Miscellaneous Animal-Friendly Sayings of Jesus
9. Conclusion
9.1. Methodological Discussions
9.2. Self-criticism
9.3. Significance and Prospects
10. Bibliography
11. Indexes