US-China Trade Deal to Crush China 美中貿易協議方便美國玩殘中國. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
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Pro-CCP HK BaptistChurch Pastor KONG江山偉Likens HK Activists to Israelites who Wanted Jesus Crucified
Pro-CCP Hong Kong Evangelical Seminary Director: "To Go a/st the Govt is to Go a/st God!"
Hong Kong Girl Revolutionaries vs Katniss Everdeen & Biblical Deborah. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Pres. Trump "Pranks" China w/ "Phase One" Trade Deal. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
State-condoned China Online Game Incites Genocide of Hongkongers. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
2 Western-Hongkong Priests on Communism. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
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Polish Young Man's Naked Body Mysteriously Fell from Height波蘭青年屍體離奇墮樓!By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
美國政論家歌雅話港人應爭獨立 Dr. Anders Corr thinks Hongkongers should Strive for Independence. By Chapman Chen
美國參議員Ted Cruz話:舐中共屎窟好樣衰!Sen. Ted Cruz: Kissing up to Chinese Commies is a Bad Look! Tr. Chapman Chen
Carrie Lam may Grant the 5 Demands to Fool Hongkongers!五大訴求袋主先?By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Hong Kong Fits Gregory Stanton's 10-Stage-Genocide Model. 香港種族滅絕十級跳 By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
特朗普總統讚香港抗爭者親美標語勁正,精神偉大!Pres Donald Trump Praises Hong Kong Protesters for Pro-USA Signs & Spirit
美國政論家不覺要求港獨會令香港失去國際支持 Anders Corr Doesn't Think Independence Demand will Make HK Lose Intl Support
Japanese Lady Pepper-Sprayed & Knocked over by Hong Kong Police at Taikoo Shing. By Chapman Chen
香港民憲草案的普通法及直接民主 On Draft Civil Charter of Hong Kong. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
禁蒙面法可化解乎? Can Anti-Mask Law be Overcome? By Chapman Chen曾焯文, HKBNews
" President Donald Trump" Bashed Unconscious by Hong Kong Police! 香港特朗普被克警打殘!By Chapman Chen,HKBNews