亞洲公義聯盟抗議習近平訪日J20 Rising against Xi Jinping at G20 in Japan. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
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A Great Nation is in the Process of Forming -- Hongkongers have Awakened! By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Jun12 Video Proof Wanted by Daughter of Old Anti-Extradition-Law Cancer Patient Shot by HK Police
Guo Wen-gui Advises Hongkongers to Stalk Vehicles on the Streets this Weekend & Block PLA Tanks
PLA Troops Coming to Suppress Hong Kong Protest against Extradition Law? By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
兩國際律師會警告香港引渡法侵人權Int'l Bar Assns Warn about Extradition Law Violating HK Human Rights.By Chapman Chen
班農叫港人迫西方正視引渡惡法, 否則萬劫不復!曾焯文報導。 Bannon Asks Hongkongers to Force the West to Address Extradition Law
Will the Hong Kong Police Round up the Usual Suspects after the Mass Rally contra Extradition Law?
Chapman Chen: Hong Kong Extradition Law is Texas Chainsaw! (Hong Kong Bilingual News)
Pro-CCP Hong Kong Lawmaker Ann, CHIANG Lai-wan: China JL-3 Missile can Reach USA! By Chapman Chen
應對中國當前危險委員會主席:六四教大家認清中共邪惡,美國勿對華天真(曾焯文Chapman Chen報導)
CPDC Brian Kennedy:1989 Tiananmen Lesson=CCP Viciousness & USA Naiveté towards China.By Chapman Chen
ApostleMedia Jun 4 Forum Proposes 4 Strikes contra Hong Kong Extradition Law.By Chapman Chen,HKBNews
黃台仰論六四與引渡:香港死裡求生!Ray Wong on Tiananmen Square Massacre & HK Extradition Law(曾焯文Chapman Chen節譯)
六四晚中國大使館前以色列人抗議中共反人類罪行(曾焯文Chapman Chen報導)
Former Lawmaker Baggio Leung: Identity's Crucial for Hong Kong & Israel's Rebirth.By Chapman Chen
Hong Kong Separatist Wayne Chan on Tiananmen Square Massacre. Interviewed by Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Kowloon City Baptist Church Severs Links w/ Petition contra HongKong Extradition Law.By ChapmanChen
USA may Raise Tariffs on China Goods to 50%,as Foreseen by Pres Donald Trump in 2011.By Chapman Chen