On May 29, a few believers from Kowloon City Baptist Church initiated a joint signature campaign against the controversial Hong Kong Extradition Law. On June 1, Kowloon City Baptist Church uploaded a statement to their facebook page:- " This is to state that our Church has never initiated any joint signature campaign concerning the amendment to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance." Within 17 hours, the post already attracted 413 angry dislikes. Many comments call Kowloon City Baptist Church "anti-Christ", "Pharisee", "worst than Pilate".
The Chair of Kowloon City Baptist Church is Dr. Eddie HO Kang Wai, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) Councilor, Chairman of the Board of Hong Kong Baptist Hospital, Chairman, Secondary, Primary Schools, and Continuing Education Department, The Baptist Convention of Hong Kong, Former Director of Student Affairs, HKBU, and Pui Too Middle School Supervisor.
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