Pro-CCP HK BaptistChurch Pastor KONG江山偉Likens HK Activists to Israelites who Wanted Jesus Crucified
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Pro-CCP Hong Kong Theologian Dr. Milton Wan溫偉耀 Condemns HK Dissidents for "Speaking against God."
Pro-CCP Hong Kong Evangelical Seminary Director: "To Go a/st the Govt is to Go a/st God!"
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A Kristallnacht in Hong Kong. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Chapman Chen's Interview with Idź Pod Prąd TV on Communism as Poland's & Hong Kong's Common Enemy
Poland and Hong Kong Share a Common Enemy. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
FBI 主管Amy Hess話中國為稱霸不惜做賊. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Pro-CCP Hong Kong Lawmaker Ann, CHIANG Lai-wan: China JL-3 Missile can Reach USA! By Chapman Chen
Kowloon City Baptist Church Severs Links w/ Petition contra HongKong Extradition Law.By ChapmanChen
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Fox Business Trish Regan Rebuts CTGN Liu Xin's Claim that IP Theft is Global.By ChapmanChen,HKBNews
Hong Kong Students Trained to Speak like Hua Chunying & Expected to Join Int'l Org. By Chapman Chen
HK Anglican Church Sec. Gen.+ CPPCC Member Canon P. D. Koon Supports Extradition Law.By Chapman Chen
Pro-CCP Hong Kong Churches' Prayers for Extradition Law. By Chapman Chen, Hong Kong Bilingual News