特朗普總統讚香港抗爭者親美標語勁正,精神偉大!Pres Donald Trump Praises Hong Kong Protesters for Pro-USA Signs & Spirit
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China to Collapse & Hong Kong to Revive this Year. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
今年中國崩潰 香港重光 China to Perish & Hong Kong to Revive this Year. By 曾焯文Chapman Chen, HKBNews
US Hong Kong Pastor Bob Kraft's USA Flag Targeted Again! By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
突發!美港牧師Bob Kraft在西環被屈用無效證被捕!By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Breaking! US Hong Kong Pastor Bob Kraft Arrested for Using Invalid ID! 美國牧師在港被捕!By Chapman Chen
美國旗勇士心聲 What a Hong Kong Protester with a USA Flag Thinks. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
美國獨立宣言與當今香港US Declaration of Independence & Hong Kong. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
美參議員盧比奧譴責中共策動元朗西鐵恐襲US Sen. Marco Rubio Condemns China for Staging Yuen Long Rampage. By Chapman Chen
曾焯文:美國獨立宣言與今日香江 Chapman Chen: US Declaration of Independence and Contemp. HK -- HKBNews
A New Hong Kong Chinese Translation of US Declaration of Independence by Chapman Chen, HKBNews
An Iron-blood Nation's Formed after Jul-1 Storming of the Bastille-HK Legco. By Chapman Chen,HKBNews
Free Hong Kong from China Fascism. By Chapman Chen, Hong Kong Bilingual News
獨家:香港克警六一二鎮壓反送中,射親美國人!By 曾焯文Chapman Chen,HKBNews
Chapman Chen: Hong Kong Extradition Law is Texas Chainsaw! (Hong Kong Bilingual News)
黃台仰論六四與引渡:香港死裡求生!Ray Wong on Tiananmen Square Massacre & HK Extradition Law(曾焯文Chapman Chen節譯)
Former Lawmaker Baggio Leung: Identity's Crucial for Hong Kong & Israel's Rebirth.By Chapman Chen
USA may Raise Tariffs on China Goods to 50%,as Foreseen by Pres Donald Trump in 2011.By Chapman Chen
Last chance of China Becoming a Civilized Country Gone w/ Tiananmen Square Massacre! By Chapman Chen
蓬佩奧話中國或在偷美國軍事秘密,堅信美國戰鬥力.曾焯文Chapman Chen報導,HKBNews