Chapman ChenJan 16, 20202 minUS-China Trade Deal to Crush China 美中貿易協議方便美國玩殘中國. By Chapman Chen, HKBNewsPresident Donald Trump knows well that China will not honor the Phase I trade deal, because honoring it will lead to the CCP's end. The...
Chapman ChenDec 30, 20192 min聖經預言:二零二零,三戰爆發,中國滅亡!By Chapman Chen曾焯文, HKBNews《聖經》啟示錄、以西結書等書預言中國二零二零年發動第三次世界大戰,結果一敗塗地,徹底滅亡。 敵基督習近平 "The Anti-Christ President Xi Jinping" 〔敵基督國家主席習近平〕的猶太希伯來字母代碼正是2020;"President Xi...
Chapman ChenDec 30, 20198 minBible Foretells 2020 WWIII & Fall of China. By Chapman Chen, HKBNewsSummary: The Holy Bible, e.g. Ezekiel, Revelation, prophesizes that China is bound to start WWIII and gets destroyed, probably in the...
Chapman ChenOct 25, 20192 minVP Mike Pence Pls Note that a Revolution, NOT a Protest, is going on in Hong Kong. By Chapman Chen US Vice President Mike Pence, in his Oct 25 address at a Washington think tank, pledged to "stand with Hong Kong" but urged Hongkongers...
Chapman ChenAug 22, 20192 min行動升級,博出解放軍!Time to Force China to Send PLA Troops to Hong Kong. By Chapman Chen 曾焯文, HKBNews 撮要:如今係香港脫共的黃金機會,只要十月一號前行動升級,奮勇向前,迫到中國出解放軍,國際就會以美國為首,制裁中國,直至其滅亡。田二少話北京為保國慶,十一之前會出解放軍,鎮壓香港示威遊行。特朗普總統講明take on China,警告習總勿在港重演六四;兩黨議員聲明企在港人一...
Chapman ChenAug 17, 20191 minHong Kong Appledaily Reports Trump & Israel "Politically Suppressing" Omar & Tlaib. By Chapman ChenA 2019-8-17 news report cum video of Hong Kong pan-democracy media Appledaily, with a sub-heading of "Political Suppression政治打壓", asserts...
Chapman ChenJun 2, 20192 minHong Kong Separatist Wayne Chan on Tiananmen Square Massacre. Interviewed by Chapman Chen, HKBNews"I was born in April 1990," Hong Kong Independence Union Convener Wayne Chan Ka Kui told HKBNews before speaking at a 2019-6-2 Forum on...