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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

Hong Kong Appledaily Reports Trump & Israel "Politically Suppressing" Omar & Tlaib. By Chapman Chen

A 2019-8-17 news report cum video of Hong Kong pan-democracy media Appledaily, with a sub-heading of "Political Suppression政治打壓", asserts that under the "pressure and urging" of President Donald Trump, Israel denies entry to Democratic Representatives Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, that even AIPAC "cannot put up with it看不過眼". The video narrator even says in an ironic tone, "Why is Trump so complacent? Tis because he 'again has his way 得逞'", the Chinese phrase得逞strongly suggesting that Trump again prevails in his evil scheme. Jimmy Lai, founder of Appledaily, met VP Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in July this year to discuss the controversial Extradition Law and Hong Kong's situation.

The article only covers Democrats' criticisms of Trump but fails to quote any senator or house representative in support of the President.

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