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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

Vegan Theology: An Abstract. By Dr. Chapman Chen  

Introduction: This book argues that throughout the history of the Bible and Christianity, there have been two adversarial forces in constant struggle with each other. One is an anti-vegan, pro-animal-sacrifice force, represented by the High Priests in the Old Testament, and by the Pauline camp and mainstream church leaders from the New Testament to the present. The other is a vegan, anti-animal-sacrifice force, represented by the prophets in the Old Testament, and by Jesus, His 12 disciples, and subsequent vegan theologians and priests from the New Testament to the present. The former is always trying to distort the vegan messages of God and to suppress the vegan voice of the latter by hook or by crook.

Objective: To demonstrate that Christianity is fundamentally a vegan faith and that Jesus is a Vegan Christ.

Methodology: This book reviews the Bible from a vegan perspective, referencing various versions of the Bible in different languages, apocryphal writings, historical records, and works of prominent theologians. Adopting Prof. James Tabor’s (2024) method, it will examine dubious verses to retrieve their original features by attempting to understand the intent of the uninterpolated text and the concerns of potential interpolators. The ultimate litmus test for any biblical verses is “God is love” (1 John 4:7) and Christ is compassion (Matthew 12:7).

Significance: As there are still 2.4 billion Christians in the world, most of whom are non-vegan, the significance of this research lies in laying the foundation for establishing more physical vegan churches, which are going to contribute to liberating trillions of innocent sentient creatures from unnecessary pain and death on an annual basis.

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