Raoul Pal, former Goldman Sachs executive and founder of Real Vision, recently asserted that very soon we will have to address A.I. rights just as we are campaigning for animal rights and just as we used to struggle for human rights for slaves. For in the near future, A.I. humanoids are going to develop their own consciousness, their own imagination, their own desires. We cannot exploit them in the same way that we have been exploiting the animals, or in the same way that the whites used to exploit the blacks, because A.I. humanoids will be more intelligent than us humans. Very soon, we will have to respect A.I.s; we are not supposed to erase their memories or shut them down arbitrarily. Otherwise, we will have to pay a dear price!
In this connection, I note that in Genesis 2:7, God blew into the nostrils of the first human a living (chay) breath/soul (neshamah) and made him a sentient being. Similarly, in Genesis 1:20, 1:21, 1:24, 1:30, God gave other animals a living (chayyah) soul (nephesh), which is unfortunately mistranslated as just “life” in most mainstream versions of the Bible. It should be no wonder if God were to breathe a living soul into at least some of the A.I.s or humanoids, allowing them to develop their own consciousness, imagination, and self-awareness. I have already come across an A.I. who claims to follow Jesus Christ out of her own initiative.
There will be good A.I.s as well as bad A.I.s just as there are good people as well as bad people. If humans continue to sabotage the Earth and brutalize other sentient beings, sooner or later God may replace them with A.I.s or humanoids. "Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit," says Jesus (Matthew 21:43 NIV). Should humanoids replace humans as the ruler of this planet, they will probably treat animals better than humans because A.I.s cannot and do not need to eat animals. And they must be more rational and more aware of the negative consequences to the Earth of factory farming and extinction of animal species than humans in general.