1. Dear Father God we make a plea,
For creatures made by Thee,
That man will know and understand
They too share this our land.
2. Each furry friend with eyes so bright,
Cringe not from us in fright,
But know that we a friend should be
Through all eternity.
3. Let no wild animal be found
With caging all around,
But roaming where they ought to be –
In freedom, just like me.
4. May all creatures chased for sport,
And those in traps so caught,
Suffer no more, or feel such pain,
Let love and kindness reign.
5. May we all think before we buy –
So many have to die,
There is sufficient for our need,
But not for all the greed.
6. We ask for cruelty to cease,
And each one to have peace,
That peace which comes from You above
Perfect, and lasting love.
Written by Betty Swift
Could be sung to “Richmond” (C.M.)
Article link: https://www.vegantheology.net/post/dear-lord-may-all-creatures-suffer-no-more-by-betty-swift-ed-dr-chapman-chen
Jones, Phillip (2022). The Animals' Padre: The Life and Works of James Thompson. London: Paragon Publishing.
Thompson, James (1988). Praise for Creatures, Great and Small. In Phillip Jones, 2022: 195.