“You must never eat fat, whether from cattle, sheep, or goats!” says God (Leviticus 7:23 NLT)
While not explicitly forbidding animal flesh consumption, this verse and its surrounding context can resonate with vegan or animal-friendly principles:
1. Sacredness of Life:
The laws highlight the sacredness of animals and the need to treat them with respect, which aligns with a compassionate view toward animals.
2. Restraint in Consumption:
The prohibition of certain parts of the animal (fat and blood) reflects a principle of moderation and mindfulness, which is central to many pro-vegan and ethical eating philosophies.
3. Broader Ethical Context:
Other Biblical passages advocate for care for creation, such as in Genesis 1:29 (God’s original plant-based provision) and Proverbs 12:10 (the righteous care for the needs of their animals). These themes support animal rights and a gentler approach to the treatment of creatures.
Article link: https://www.vegantheology.net/post/do-not-eat-any-of-the-fat-of-cattle-sheep-or-goats-says-god-ed-dr-chapman-chen