1. O beasts lift up your voice,
You sad and patient crowd,
From factory pen, and battery cage,
Cry out your wrongs aloud.
2. From badger, fox and hare
The cry goes up, “How long
Must we be hunted to our death,
The weak killed by the strong?”
3. The whales and seals die, too,
To satisfy men’s greed,
O when shall men see God made all,
And help them in their need?
4. We pray your Kingdom come,
A time of peace for all;
For each ill-treated animal
O please God hear our call.
Article link: https://www.hkbnews.net/post/pray-your-kingdom-come-for-each-ill-treated-animal-a-hymn-by-h-joan-chaplin-ed-dr-chapman-chen
Source: Thompson, James (1988). “Praise for Creatures Great and Small.” In Jones, Philip (2022), The Animals’ Padre: The Life and Works of James Thompson, London, Paragon Publishing, p. 187.