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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

" President Donald Trump" Bashed Unconscious by Hong Kong Police! 香港特朗普被克警打殘!By Chapman Chen,HKBNews

During the 9.29 Global Anti-Totalitarianism March in Hong Kong, around 3 pm, a man donning a mask of US President Donald Trump was walking peacefully in Admiralty when he was suddenly caught up from behind by Hong Kong riot police, who knocked his head with shields, bashed him, choked his neck and pushed him down. He then lost consciousness, and was lifted up and carried away in a police vehicle. 九二九全球反極權大遊行期間,下午三點左右,一位男士,戴美國總統特朗普面具,在金鐘和平步行,突然被大批防暴警從後用盾牌大力撞低,拳打腳踢,棍毆叉頸,直至完全失去知覺,抬上警車帶走。

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